School registration is for August 26, 2024 – June 1, 2025. The school year is divided into FOUR (4) Sessions for tuition payment. A 5% LATE FEE will be applied to tuition if payment is not received after the first week of a session. If, for any reason, your student cannot complete all FOUR (4) sessions, we ask that you notify the office.
Salt Creek Ballet (SCB) requires FIVE (5) students to run a class. No refunds or credits can be given for missed classes. Classes must be made up in the session paid for. Please notify the school prior to absence. Families with two or more students (Pre-Ballet IV and above) enrolled are entitled to a family discount. The oldest student pays full tuition and each additional student receives 10% off their tuition. Students will adhere to the SCB Dress Code (see below).
By registering for or participating in any class, program or activity, the student and/or parent/guardian agrees to:
1) Notify Salt Creek Ballet (SCB), in writing, of any specific health concerns as they relate to student participation in dancing, receiving dance instruction, or in any way engaged with dance or dance instruction at SCB. Student and/or parent/guardian assume all risks of personal injury to the student while dancing, receiving dance instruction, or in any way engaged with dance or dance instruction at SCB. Student and/or parent/guardian acknowledge the hazards in an exercise program, accept the risks involved, and realize it is a hands-on activity. Student and/or parent/guardian has discussed any special problems with their (or their child’s) physician.
2) Indemnify and hold harmless Salt Creek Ballet (SCB) and its officers, directors, employees, instructors, agents and volunteers and all other persons associated officially or unofficially with SCB from any and all claims for physical or property loss, damage, injury or death from any cause whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with any SCB program, performance, instruction or any use of the SCB facility or any facility operated or controlled by SCB, whether in whole or in part. Student and/or parent/guardian further agree that faxed/emailed signatures may be accepted as original signatures.
3) All students agree to abide by SCB’s code of conduct and will follow all SCB regulations.
4) Allow photographs or video to be taken during class, program or activity. All such material will remain the property of SCB, and may be used for promotional, or news media purposes. Please contact the office if you have any questions regarding photographs. All restrictions on photography/video must be made, in writing, by the student and/or parent/guardian.
Code of Conduct & School Regulations For All SCB Students:
- Students must adhere to the SCB Dress Code (See below).
- Keep hair neatly & securely up and off the face.
- Arrive on time, ready to begin class. Be respectful and disciplined in all classes.
- Notify the office, in writing, of any medical conditions which may impede full participation in a class/activity.
- Notify instructors, before class, if you have any medical conditions, which may impede your full participation.
- Call the office IN ADVANCE of any absence, citing SPECIFIC reason for absence.
- Strive for perfect attendance, with the knowledge that ANY absences may prevent you from participation in performances/showcases/workshops. Participation in performances/showcases/workshops will be at the SOLE discretion of SCB and the instructors.
- Strive to make-up absences in assigned level, or a lower level. Keep in mind that much can be achieved from taking a lower level class. Students are to communicate to the instructors when taking a make-up class.
- Keep Food and Beverages (clear beverages only) in the assigned eating area ONLY.
- Strive to dance to the best of your ability everyday!
- Arriving 20 min before class starts is recommended, to have enough time to properly warm up in order to avoid potential injury. Late arrival is disruptive.
- If you arrive 20 minutes past the start time of class, the student cannot attend class, observe only.
- If you are less than 20 minutes late, please wait until the end of an exercise before you enter the class.
- If you need to leave the room for some reason, please stand quietly at the edge of the room until everyone finishes dancing; the teacher will invite you to join on the next combination.
- Have a good attitude! Leave personal/emotional problems outside of the studio. Do your best to have a positive attitude by being fully present and dedicated to the class.
In the Studio:
- Chewing gum or bringing food and drinks are not permitted (a water bottle is okay)
- No cell phones or smart watches are allowed.
- Do not talk in class. It’s a time to concentrate on the teacher and on your own body. Your dancing improves with no distractions (such as comparing yourself to, or gossiping with the person next to you). A good Ballet class has a quietly courteous atmosphere.
- If you get injured during class, pull a muscle, or have any type of illness that does not allow you to participate in class, let the teacher know. Get ice if needed, & call parents to pick you up, so they can give you the attention required. Ongoing requests to sit out and watch is detrimental to keep up with the class level.
- If you have an injury prior to class, parents must email the directors with medical updates.
- Do not record or photograph anything without permission.
- Do not “hang” or slouch on the barre. Be attentive at all times, especially when waiting for your turn. Never sit down unless you are asked to do so.
- Advanced students stand in front. Even if you arrived first, avoid the front of the room unless you know the combination.
- Change groups quickly, energetically ballet steps in the center.
- Body language is extremely important in ballet class. Ballet teachers are constantly ‘reading’ students’ bodies in order to give them specific instruction. If you are standing with your arms crossed and/or slumping, the teacher will interpret this as boredom, disrespect, or disinterest. Please keep in mind that we are observing you for the whole class: how you stand, facial expressions; what you do with your arms. Body language tells us how well you are listening and whether or not you are interested in your growth & learning as a dancer.
- We strongly recommend that dancers are well rested prior to class. Do not let your teacher see you yawn in class
- If you have a question, please raise your hand and wait for the teacher. Do not interrupt your teacher when they are in the middle of giving a combination or correction (unless it is an absolute emergency).
- It is the teacher’s responsibility to correct other students (peers are not permitted to do so)
- Do not correct the teacher. If the teacher has made a mistake (which is bound to happen) and it is causing confusion in the class, it is fine to politely ask for clarification. If you have a difference of opinion or philosophical perspective, it is best to save it for after class.
- Demonstrate good spatial awareness. This includes giving the instructor space. Do not crowd those in the back of the room to do so.
- Model our values of courtesy and respect. Stand-up and do a curtsey when the instructor enters the room. At the end of class, it is especially courteous to say “thank you” to the instructor.
- Refrain from going to the bathroom in the middle of barre. You should go before class and if you need to go after barre, you can ask your teacher. Of course if you have an emergency – we want you to take care of it.
- Do not leave class early. Any exceptions must be agreed upon with the teacher before class.
- In alignment with our values, always be respectful to your fellow dancers. Never laugh at them when they do something wrong – this will not be tolerated and a student may be asked to leave class.
Dress Code:
- Dress appropriately and come prepared. Please mend ripped tights and wear leotards of your level color.
- No long necklaces, No bracelets, and/or wrist watches includes iphone watches should be worn during class.
Appearance & Self Care:
- A groomed appearance is a sign of respect to yourself and others. When we look better, we feel better! Take pride in the way you appear.
- Please wear deodorant to class. Please avoid perfume, as people can be sensitive to strong scents.
- Your hair must be neatly pulled back and adequately secured.
- Your hair also impacts your technique and can be a health and safety issue.
- Dancers who do not have their hair pulled back appropriately run the risk of creating bad habits, like unknowingly flicking their head to get their bangs out of their eyes, or not spotting because their hair hits them in the face when turning.
- If your hair is not secure, you may have to stop dancing and leave your dancing space, which causes any dancers who are dancing with you to lose their focus when you leave your spot. If they are behind you on a traveling step, it may actually cause a collision. Also, if your hairpins fall out, another student may slip on it!
Corrections are How We Learn & Grow:
- Take corrections with a positive mindset, grace, & humility. You are here to learn and corrections are opportunities to grow and improve as a dancer.
- All teachers want to see their students thrive and improve. While it can be confusing for young dancers, it is important for them to understand that the only way to improve in ballet is to be corrected.
- If you hear a correction being given to another student, pay attention!
There is a good chance it applies to you as well! - A teacher will not ask a student to do something that they cannot achieve.
Modeling Care:
- Respect & care for the dance spaces. Pick up trash, your clothes, etc. As a general rule, if you brought it in, take it out.
- This is a place of business; students/families/faculty must conduct themselves with mutual respect, and model kindness and generosity.
- Parents and students are not to disparage SCB on social media, emails, or any online platforms. We value your feedback and appreciate having direct and constructive communication.”
Have FUN!
Ultimately, this is YOUR time and you should enjoy it. Every teacher feels good when their students leave the room happy, so enjoy the process. Dance is an enriching experience, so be proud of your hard work, celebrate your accomplishments, and keep your eye on the continuing journey ahead.
Security Information:
1) Keypad entry into SCB facilities from the front vestibule. ALL students and parents/caregivers need a 4-digit code to enter SCB. The code will be changed yearly. Communication of code changes will happen through email correspondence. PLEASE make sure that you have provided SCB with your current email address so you receive the code changes. PLEASE ONLY share the code with those who need direct access to SCB (for pick-up/drop-off, etc.)
2) Front vestibule intercom for entry of individuals who do not have the code. Please feel free to press the intercom button if you require entry into the facilities. SCB will have a front office staff person monitor the intercom during regular business/class hours.
3) Panic buttons in every studio. USED ONLY FOR EMERGENCY PURPOSES, these buttons can be accessed by faculty and will relay the need for emergency services directly to emergency personnel.
4) Alarm system complete with cameras and motion detectors to secure all perimeter doors. No unauthorized person will be allowed access inside SCB facilities.
Additionally, SCB policy asks that students:
1) Wait inside SCB lobby for rides. Students may still wait in the vestibule, but please know that this area is not locked during normal business/class hours. Waiting in the vestibule is at the discretion of the parent(s). NO student should wait outside for a ride.
2) SCB students who can drive themselves are asked to NOT go to their cars alone.
Please note that SCB has installed these security measures in an effort to keep everyone safe while in our facility. Please review the policies and procedures carefully and feel free to contact Salt Creek Ballet with any questions at 630-769-1199.